KAU´I 8HP Dual Techno Oscillator
KAU’I is a basic two oscillator sound generator that was designed to create Techno basses and leads.
Both oscillators A and B are identical, but cover a different pitch range. With the knobs A and B on top of the module
you can seamlessly change the waveform from square-wave to triangle wave for each oscillator. The SHAPE2 knobs take up this signal and mixes it with a sine-wave for each oscillator independently.
Both LVL knobs set the volume of each sound generator and turning the NOISE knob adds white noise to oscillator A.
Both oscillators have a pitch control input with an attenuator. It follows a linear voltage to frequency response (Hz/Oct) which is great to create odd Techno sequences at lower frequencies.
On the bottom of the module you will find a MIX OUT of both oscillators as well as individual outputs per oscillator.