Mutated Steps (Stages) 0603 – pcb

£7.99 (exc VAT)


Stages 0603 pcb

Experienced builders only!!

Complex calibration required

Calibration guidelines here

There is an issue with the silkscreen on this pcb:

C48 and R45 need to be swapped (see image) or the outputs with drift erratically for several hundreds of millivolts up and down (which will hinder you from proper calibration).
D7 and R73 are also mislabeled, although the orientation of the Diode is printed correctly and if you go by this (and how the other sections are build) you should be fine.

Original design:

Hardware: cc-by-sa-3.0

By: E. Gillet (

In stock



ASR envelope, complex 6-stage envelope, LFO, 4-step sequence or switched LFO: Stages can be any kind of modulation.

Not because all these behaviors have been pre-programmed in the module, but because it allows you to describe your own modulations in terms of basic operations: ramp from one voltage to another, hold a voltage at a set level, wait for a trigger and slew. With or without looping.

Whether you need one complex envelope, or several simpler modulations, Stages reconfigures itself according to which of its gate inputs are patched. There is always a role for it in your patch.


Really, there isn’t more to the story.

Self-generating chiptunes? Very weird LFO shapes? Random gate delay? Stages probably does strange and wonderful things when patched in a certain way.

Additional information

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 107 × 70 × 2 mm

Synthesiser parts/components